
This section contains all the Kala Onlus Videos. Enjoy them ?

In a world where fairies do not exist,
You can make the difference !

Help Kala Onlus with a monthly contribution, adopt nearby!

Realized by the student of the Istituto Magistrale Finocchiaro Aprile – Palermo – classe 4C e 4F a.y. 2018-2019

Videomaker: Mapi Rizzo – Original Music:Simon Albino Francis Cipolla – Production: Alex Brancati

Volunteering makes you grow and happy!

This is the idea of the participants at the fundraising project #WrapTheSolidarity

Realized by the student of the Liceo Classico Umberto Primo – class 4G a.y. 2018-2019

Videomaker: Mapi Rizzo – Production: Alex Brancati

The beating of a butterfly’s wings can cause a hurricane of love in the city of Palermo ❤️

Donate your 5×1000 to unleash it!
? Fiscale Tax code 97245730821

Screenplay by the students of Liceo Scientifico Benedetto Croce Palermo – classes 3C, 3E, 4F a.y. 2018-2019

Videomaker: Mapi Rizzo – Original musics: Simon Albino Francis Cipolla – Production: Alex Brancati

A special thanks to Casa delle farfalle Palermo – Via Vittorio Emanuele, 365 – Palermo

Our videos made during the Christmas period, in December 2018, with all our partners in the Wrap the solidarity project. Enjoy them 🙂

200 volunteers, about 70,000 gifts packed to over 20,000 customers, a fundraiser of € 24,968. These are the numbers of Wrap the present project and the final thanks!

Libreria Dudi

Bottega dei Sapori e dei Saperi Libera Terra

Smart Living


Libreria Sciuti

Katena Toys

Toy’s Sea

Videos presenting the organization activities. Enjoy them 🙂

Video made within the PRO.V.A.C.I. project.

Palermo: Il Giardino di Madre Teresa – Kala Onlus